Is Obama a Mac and Hillary a PC? Those are the headlines from an article I read today in New York Times. This is the kind of crap that the democrats love to spit out so they can make their man look cool, hip, or better yet, current. They scour the internet and look for stories or headlines from companies or individuals in motion. They grab some of that momentum that they see; strip it off the backs of those individuals that are actually working or contributing to society in some way, wrap themselves up in it as if it where their story, their cause, their heroics and then use it for their soap box. Sounds like another company we know MSFT. Anyway, Obama is not a Mac... Obama is a Acer, no he is a Sony Vaio laptop, or maybe a Gateway P-6831FX running Vista with external Verizon Card. Yeah i think that is it. Hillary is much simpler to know. She is using Bill's old 12" IBM think pad. It has a built in calendar program that Bill still uses. It has all of his old contacts and favorite restaurants in all 50 states, as well as a complete list of all celebrities in every major city with personal email address'. They have been told that they could sync that information with a newer model but they don't trust the intel.
very funny
Wow. After reading your descriptions, I'm scared to know what kind of computer john mccain is... Perhaps a Packard bell 386dx/40 desktop with turbo button and EGA graphics card?
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