So i was reading today about how the economy may be slowing. Well the indicators from this article was the fact that Sotheby's was not able to sell one of the largest and rarest diamonds ever offered because their were no buyers. They wanted to get between 10-12 million. An offer came in at 9.22 million and apparently not good enough. So the conclusion was that the economy is slowing. Not enough buyers for a 10 million dollar diamond out there. Just to put things into perspective i wanted to size it up for you. Also i wanted to know what would you do if you received 10 million dollars to spend how ever you wanted.
wow, 10 million? I don't know what I'd do. I guess I'd put it all on a downpayment for a home in whitefish hills. The view alone is priceless so its good bargain at any price.
I think that I'd definitely buy the diamond (because seriously, there is NOTHING better to do with it), then get it set as an engagement band, advertise in the paper that I'm looking for a girl to put the ring on. Then I could have my pick from a bunch of non-self absorbed, non-gold digging girls that wanted to marry me for me. How am I doing so far?
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